Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Vidu by Giles Anderson - Book Review

Vidu By: Giles A Anderson

This is clearly a book NOT designed for the squeamish but instead for the readers who love their daily dose of graphic, disturbing, sadistic adult horror, blood and murder, mixed up with a potent syringe of hard drugs and alcohol – handed to them on a tray full of human skulls and gunpowder.

In this gritty dark tale, the main character awakes with a huge hangover, soaked in blood, and holding a gun he doesn’t recognise. We are then taken on a journey of self discovery as, via phone calls, dead bodies and bizarre rendezvous with a stranger, he pieces together a past that he has been trying so hard to suppress.

Indeed, it reminded me of an old James Herbert novel mixed with a bit of early Stephen King. My disappointment was that this plot has been done so many times before and this version didn’t offer anything new to keep me turning the pages. Despite being well written, it suffers from far too many annoying references to hangovers, blood and darkness as if I, the reader was some sort of horror virgin. Perhaps to improve the readers experience, the writer could employ a wider variety of descriptions to avoid tempting the reader to become annoyed with the repetition.

Again, definitely not for the faint of heart, young and squeamish but, if this is your type of book , I personally recommend that instead of purchasing this, you go up into the dark attic with your fading torchlight, walk across those creaky floorboards and get all those old Stephen King novels out you haven’t read for a few decades.

3 Stars out of 5

Review written by Roger Gerald Scott, best-selling novelist, author of 5 short stories, voted “Most Promising New Author 2012″ at EKAP and recently received “Clean Slate’s Most Promising Breakthrough Short Story 2013″ for “The Strange Case of Will Newman”.

Also a team member of, offering formatting and book cover design services for indie eBook publishers and a professional editor.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Release of The Strange Case of Will Newman

Out on Amazon

It's been rewritten, re-edited and repriced !

Will Newman’s mum is convinced that he has a Facebook addiction problem but, naturally, Will doesn’t share this point of view. Afterall, he’s just a normal teenager and everyone he knows is on Facebook, including the girl of his dreams, Rachel. With his mum going off on holiday and leaving him alone in the house for the first time ever, Will finally has a chance to hold that wild party he always wanted and get closer to her. Unfortunately, his obsessions quickly present problem for those around him, in particular his best friend, Pete Barham. If Will doesn't soon acknowledge his problems and addictions soon, his life is going to get very complicated.

Skilfully blending modern day topics into an original short story, Roger Gerald Scott addresses the more serious problems caused by the modern phenomena of social media, blending non-stop action with compassionate characters and a sharp sense of humour.

- founded in February 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. On September 2012, Facebook reached the milestone of one billion active users, approximately one seventh of the world's population. More than half of these users access Facebook on a smartphone or other mobile device.

- launched in July 2006 by Jack Dorsey, this service rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with over 500 million registered users as of 2012, generating over 340 million tweets daily and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Book Review – “The Call of Agon” by Dean F Wilson

One of the challenges of writing books is how to approach the ever-present conundrum of originality. Do you attempt to write something completely different and risk the likely low sales forecasts, inviting the scorn of the reading world as they fail miserably to understand all the clever themes and plot twists of your brave new story. Or do you play safe and go for the reader’s jugular vein, writing your book in the familiar and dark style shadows of, for example, Harry Potter and Twilight?
At the end of the day, there is no conundrum if the book itself is badly written. Fortunately, in this case, “The Call of Agon : The children of Telm” and its author, Dean Wilson, need not worry for this is a beautifully written book full of loveable twists and well developed characters. The story revolves around Ifferon and his journey to confront the beast Agon and his mighty forces. Along the way, he has a magic scroll and fellow companions to assist him as fierce battles rage across the land of Iraldas. It’s all written passionately and interspersed with themes of love, bravery and faith.
Did the story sound familiar? However brilliant the writing, I found it hard to escape the feeling that I had read this type of book before. It’s certainly not difficult to guess where all the influences are coming from, intentional or not. Replace the magic scroll in the story with a ring, for example, and you’ll find a lot of glaring similarities with Lord of the Rings. But does it matter? A lot of people out there love stories of this caliber. Wherever your tastes may lie, it’s hard to deny that this is a good read. But don’t expect anything original here, just enjoy the journey!
4 out of 5 stars

Dean F. Wilson was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1987. He started writing at age 11, when he began his first (unpublished) novel, entitled The Power Source. He won a TAP Educational Award from Trinity College Dublin for an early draft of The Call of Agon (then called Protos Mythos) in 2001. He has published a number of poems and short stories over the years, while working on and reworking some of his many novels. The Call of Agon is his first published novel.

Review written by Roger Gerald Scott, best-selling novelist, author of 5 short stories, voted “Most Promising New Author 2012″ at EKAP and recently received “Clean Slate’s Most Promising Breakthrough Short Story 2013″ for “The Strange Case of Will Newman”.

Also a team member of, offering formatting and book cover design services for indie eBook publishers and a professional editor.

Drop a line to to request your book review and/or author interview!

Monday, 11 March 2013



Hope you will have time to take a look at the new "Authors Helping Authors" blog site. If you do, read on to learn what the blog is all about and how you can become a member of the community – no registration required, nobody is going to ask you to spend a ton of time everyday, we just want the site to be there when you need it!


Being an author is much like being a starving artist when you first get started and we are trying to build a community of authors that can offer advice and tips about resources to help each other. The focus is on providing support, information and resources to authors so they don’t have to learn the hard way. The hope is that authors will pitch in by sharing helpful tips and links for others and thus the community will grow.

We have also set up a Facebook page be sure to LIKE the page and let all of your friends know about it – remember friends don’t let friends struggle through the process of being a successful author alone!

Friday, 8 March 2013

Sometimes It Pays To Be A Realist!

Can creative writing be taught? It's complicated. Illustration by Dave Donald. 

So you’ve finished your book that has consumed the last couple of years of your life. From the hatching of the original idea in your brain to the countless drafts, constant rewrites, book cover designing and redesigning, editing followed by more rewriting. Now finally, one beautiful sunny morning, you smile as you look at your tired reflection in your bathroom mirror because you realise that it’s finally done, it’s all over – your book is finished and ready for the world to enjoy and share.

How will all those lucky readers react to that clever plot twist you carefully negotiated in Chapter Seven? Will they laugh when they read that bit near the end that reveals that the killer is not in fact Bill, as they previously assumed, and that the vampire is actually bisexual? How your mind bounces around with enthusiasm and anxious wonder. It’s all so terribly exciting as you wait patiently for all the glowing reviews and sky high sales figures and you greedily clasp your hands together thinking how you will be handsomely rewarded for all that hard work you put into writing your literary masterpiece.

Unfortunately, reality steps in and cruelly stamps on your dream. Noone seems to be remotely interested in buying or even downloading a sample of your work as they hurriedly get on with their own lives. Maybe putting the prices down might help, but no, still nobody seems to care! Eventually you realise that, even if you gave your book away for free, still no one would notice. In fact, you would probably have more success swimming out to sea and trying to sell your book to the hungry shark that swims around you in circles in the sea, waiting patiently for you to drown. “Please don’t eat me Mr. Shark, I’ll give you one of my books for free?”

Ok, that scenario was a bit far-fetched but I’m sure a lot of us can relate to it? We have all been there, struggling to sell our books to a seemingly disinterested crowd. It’s what happens next that counts. We all have a choice. We can either give in and get eaten by the shark or we can decide that our book is still worth fighting for and patiently swim back to the beach shore and try again. Looking at your situation from a different angle might be the answer. Be honest for a second and acknowledge that, in the present climate of eBook publishing, there is a staggering and overwhelming amount of written crap out there, all competing and jostling with your sacred mumblings for the buyer’s attention. It’s time to be realistic and ask yourself : “Why on earth should the buyer waste one cent of their hard earned money on my book? They are spoilt for choice when it comes to buying books?”

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”. Exactly! What you can do is change the things you can change! Think of the advantages ebooks have over printed books and rewrite the book or, as part of the learning process, start writing the next book. If you didn’t already, get a professional editor to work with and keep writing whilst absorbing every piece of criticism you can find out there about your writing. Perhaps the book cover needs more work? If so then do another one. Experiment with the book price, special offers and promotions. Read all the reviews, however terrible, and try and learn from what they say. Change your sampling ratio for free downloads? Change the title even? Above all, learn everything you can along the way. Right now, there are 3 free books written by Mark Coker, over on explaining how to format eBooks properly and how to market your books. Start reading them and you already have an advantage over half your competitors.

Finally, remember there is a lot of bullshit out there. You may know a friend who has fifty 5 star reviews on amazon for his / her book but don’t take that at face value as it’s usually a slightly warped version of the facts. Perhaps most of the reviews were written by their friends, all of whom have been emotionally bribed to purchase and write a glowing review? Who knows, as it recently surfaced in the news last year, perhaps the author is simply buying his or her own books with different accounts and giving themselves great reviews? Even more eye opening, perhaps they are using the services of a third party who they pay to give out numerous reviews. This is now big business in China and India! Some people are willing to do whatever it takes to get noticed and truth is the first casualty. Bottom line, be prepared for rejection, negative results and bad reviews. It’s what you do with it is what matters. You didn’t really think it was going to be easy did you? If so, it’s time to shake hands with Mr Reality and improve your craft to the highest possible grade. Don’t give up, learn and grow and you will find success. It’s going to take a bit of time though!

This is an article written by me for publication on our new website "Authors helping Authors" which you find at 



Being an author is much like being a starving artist when you first get started and we are trying to build a community of authors that can offer advice and tips about resources to help everyone. The focus is on providing support, information and resources to authors so they don’t have to learn the hard way.  The hope is that authors will pitch in by sharing helpful tips and links for others.

We have also set up a Facebook page be sure to LIKE the page and let all of your friends know about it – remember friends don’t let friends struggle through the process of being a successful author alone!

About AHA’s Founders

AHA was started by two professionals and published authors, Debra L Hartmann and Roger Gerald Scott.  Having found a common bond some time ago in helping each other by sharing tips and advise purely by a chance meeting on twitter, they also shared a sense of sorrow and wishes for change in the author’s world as it is today.  Anyone with a passion to write and a talent or potential talent should be able to find success in fulfilling their dreams.  Everyone benefits from that!  The writer is fulfilled and the reader has more great literature to consume.  As it is now, there are so many roadblocks and failures that many give up, many get through by cutting corners and fewer truly find best selling success.  The concept of AHA is based on being able to compile resources, advise and helpful tips in one place so they are easier to find, pulled from all of the wonderful authors that have already found a way through the mire of becoming an author and encouraging a helpful and user friendly environment for everyone to find what they need in order to do better in their craft.

Book Review - "Daughter of Hauk"


Book Review - "Daughter of Hauk" by KateMarie Collins – 5 Stars and a “Magical Read” Shout Out!

As a debut novel, Ms. Collins has definitely showcased her talents as you try to guess ahead what will happen next in each epic scene only to be surprised and then by the end, you just can’t wait to find the next installment of this series!  The characters were very well defined, her use of flashbacks to develop the past while moving through the present was exceptional and as I read I was able to visualize everything as she did such an excellent job of weaving intricate details into fanciful imagery.

Arwenna is the elven main character of this epic fantasy and she is so well defined that she was easily endeared to my heart as I wanted to pick her up and help her along the way in her war against the Corse.  Alas, just as I felt like reaching into the page, she would surprise me with even more strength as she continued on her quest and I was mesmerized again and again by the writer’s talent for portraying the terror and the struggles all the characters faced or caused.

Filled with legends, secrets, epic battles, magic and the age old battle of good versus evil, this author has done an exceptional job with her magical writing talents.  This is a must read for any lover of good books, no matter your genre preference.  If you are a Dungeon’s and Dragons, World of Warcraft, Hobbit / Lord of the Rings fan as I am, you won’t want to miss this great novel!

- reviewed by Debra L Hartmann, Published Author of Fate Series and Professional Editor (

This review also appeared on

Stay tuned for an exclusive Author Interview scheduled for March 11th!

Buy now at Amazon available in Paperback or eBook editions as well as audible book version

Learn more about the author at and visit her blog site at

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

FREE until March 9th !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great news everyone! My latest book "Social Media Anxiety Disorder and the strange case of Will Newman" is now free on until March 9th !!!!!!!

Click on the link and enter the code RW100 at checkoutto get this book for FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This offer is only on smashwords !

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Book Review - The Ambassador's Wife

 This is a superbly written novel and a great read. If you are looking for a good healthy dose of crime with no grisly details witheld, look no further. If you are familiar with Jo Nesbø or Michael Connelly, you will find the same expert craftmanship and complex plot twists here.

Living as he does in Signapore, Jake Needham is well suited to provide a good location for the story which takes place in Singapore and Bangkok. You can feel the heat and humidity of Asia rising from the pages as he describes the architecture, people and culture of Signapore and Thailand. The story starts off with the discovery of a woman’s body on a bed in an empty suite in the Marriott Hotel. The second body is discovered in Bangkok, in a seedy apartment close to the American embassy. Both are American women and both have been beaten viciously and shot in the head, their bodies stripped naked and crudely displayed. Yet noone is really sure who or what is behind the killings whether it is international terrorism or the work of a serial killer. Inspector Samuel Tay of Singapore CID is the person assigned to the case because he is the best but Tay soon finds himself in a case that nobody seems to want him to solve , not even his superiors!

This novel is face paced, engaging and an enjoyable read. I did find the main character a bit on the dull side sometimes. Such an unseemingly split character, so apparantly cheerless and drab on one side and yet a woman magnet, wealthy and loved by everyone on the other. But enjoyable is the key word here and this book delivers loads of it.

4 and a half stars out of 5
Reviewed by Roger Gerald Scott, award winning published author, also published on

Drop a line to to get your book on the review list and be sure to ask about the Author Interviews on my Radio Talk Show with NO Radio…you have to read an Author Interview on my blog to understand!

READ AN EBOOK WEEK - My Books 50 - 100% OFF !!!!!!

From today for the next 6 days it's "Read an Ebook Week" over on

To celebrate I am offering 4 of my short stories for FREE and my latest ebook "Social Media Anxiety Disorder" for HALF PRICE ($2,50)

This offer is only valid on

To take advantage of this offer, click on the link and enter the code given ( "REW100" for all books except "Social Media Anxiety Disorder"  which has the code "REW50")

Social Media Anxiety Disorder    

A Drive In A Car                      

The Commuter                        

The Clever Doctor                    

Closed Curtains                         

Monday, 4 March 2013

Author Interview

Author Interview – Roger Gerald Scott

Here's an interview with myself that appeared recently on dhlbookreviews

I talked with Roger a bit before the interview and learned some fun facts:
Roger was born in 1964 in Surrey, England. After his education at Oundle School and Oxford, he embarked on careers in Music Publishing, Songwriting and Software Engineering before becoming a successful piano entertainer. He eventually settled in Norway where he now resides. After only six months, he has already received numerous awards for his short stories, most recently :”Clean Slate’s Most Promising Breakthrough Short Story 2013″ for “Social Media Anxiety Disorder and the Strange Case of Will Newman”.

Now, on to the interview:
Debra: Roger, why did you start writing?
Roger: I felt the time was right with the advent of eBook publishing. Not having to hawk around my work to book publishers was another major turning point; now the consumer gets to decide.

Debra: I couldn’t agree more, I got published the traditional way for my first book and it was brutal and took forever. I will be jumping on the eBook train going forward as well. It seems more readers are turning to Kindle and other such reader applications than they are picking up paper books these days! Let’s give them what they want, right?
Roger: Exactly, Debra, you have to publish where your audience is and they are definitely more tech based these days.

Debra: So, on that note, tell us about your latest book?
Roger: It’s called “Social Media Anxiety Disorder and the Strange Case of Will Newman” – it’s about social media (Facebook, Twitter etc.) and it’s growing influence on our lives.

Debra: I was honored to work as your editor on this piece and wrote a review for it as well on Amazon. It was quite moving to read about poor Will Newman and such a shame that his addictive personality wasn’t really dealt with by his family because of the overshadowing issue of social media. I think that’s an important point to expand on from the “growing influence on our lives” that you mentioned.
Roger: Absolutely, Debra and that’s a big point in the story as well, but we have to move on so we don’t spoil it for the readers!

Debra: Ok, ok, it’s just such a cutting edge topic these days! So, here we go, next question is what kind of reader do you think will enjoy your short story?
Roger: Hopefully everyone but especially the younger generation who have grown up in the shadow of social media. This generation won’t remember the days before Facebook and Twitter and text messaging and so on. In the big picture, I think everyone that is on any social media of any kind will be interested in this story.

Debra: I couldn’t agree more, I mentioned the story to some friends and family actually, a very diverse group you could say and they were all interested in reading it. From blue-collar worker that has a Facebook account but rarely uses it, never heard of Twitter to some corporate types that I talk to about editing stuff and they were all excited about reading it (hey do I get a commission for all the ones I sold yesterday bragging about it to friends and colleagues?). So I think diverse audience is really the keyword for potential audience on this piece.
Next question, Roger, is this a Standalone, or will it be part of a series? If it the latter, how long do you think the series will be and the time line for releasing more?

Roger: I will wait to see how it sells and what the demand is for another similar story to decide that I think. I have some ideas but if the demand isn’t there I’ll be less likely to spend time on them of course. I have to wait to answer that question about commission too, didn’t I pay you enough already for editing services? (laughs)

Debra: Understandable but I really think you should get started on part two, I think people are really going to want more after they read this! So, what influenced or inspired you to write this story?
Roger: Well, because I don’t see any stories out there in the market that reflect the influence of social media. If there are, they tend to be medical essays or fact sheets. There are no real to life stories out there that I was able to find.

Debra: What was the hardest part for you working on this one?
Roger: Well, it’s my longest short story so far, 15 thousand words, so I guess it was making it all work together. I always find the beginning and end of the story the hardest.

Debra: It certainly came together nicely, well done! Where can we find more about you and your short stories?
Roger: Well I publish on Smashwords and amazon which means all my 5 books are available on most formats. Most importantly they are on iBooks and Amazon Kindle.

Debra: For our readers, and you Roger, just a quick note here, when I publish this on the blog site, I will list the books as links to where you can read more about them and purchase them. Don’t forget to check out Roger’s author page on Amazon when you get there too. So, any last words for the readers today Roger?
Roger: Don’t become too addicted to your Facebook or twitter status! (laughs) Thank you to everyone that takes a moment to read one my stories, your support is appreciated and thank you Debra for the interview on your site! Have a great day!

Debra: You too, Roger, thanks for joining me. Roger is in Norway and I am in the US so we had a time getting synced up with a time slot that would work for us both with the huge time difference! Glad we could get this done today Roger and best of luck to you and your great stories!

To get on the list for Author Interviews, drop a line to and say hello!

Thanks for joining us today, reader and I look forward to seeing you again! DLH